MapBiomas Ecuador has an open data policy. We are committed to making our information public, downloadable, and usable. We believe that this allows for innovation, information exchange, analysis, and transparency.

All data, maps, graphics, tables, and other representations on the MapBiomas Ecuador website are licensed under Creative Commons CC BY 4.0. This means that the data can be downloaded, shared, and adapted, as long as the work is clearly attributed and a link to its source is provided, following the format below:

MapBiomas Ecuador - Collection 1.0 of the annual land cover and land use maps of Ecuador [INSERT DATE OF CONSULTATION], acquired at [LINK]

"MapBiomas Ecuador" is an initiative by Ecociencia in consortium with RAISG and MapBiomas Network to generate annual land cover and land use maps through supervised classification of satellite images. The full project description is available at
En el caso de publicaciones científicas se sugiere contactar al equipo de MapBiomas Ecuador.

For scientific publications and any question, it is suggested to contact the MapBiomas Ecuador team.